21 - 30 of 224 results
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Mexico Competitiveness Program
Good governance is critical to Mexico’s long-term competitiveness. Improved competitiveness, in turn, is the key to rational and efficient use of the country’s natural-resource base. This is particularly important for rural producers who live in…
Enabling a Healthier Senegal Through Universal Health Coverage
Senegal has made significant improvements in infant and maternal mortality and contraceptive prevalence rates, and the country benefits from high level political commitment to universal health coverage (UHC). However, the government must now scale up key…
National Assessment of Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts
The FBI calls human trafficking the third largest criminal activity in the world. Most attention is on pimps and smuggling rings—the supply side. But recently, law enforcement has attacked demand, trying to shrink the market for prostitution. Anti-demand…
National Prisoner Statistics and Corrections Reporting Programs
For years, collecting prisoner data was treated as little more than an accounting exercise: PIPO (prisoner in, prisoner out). The National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program counts male and female prisoners each year plus confirmed HIV and AIDS cases. The…
ABC News/ Washington Post Tracking Polls
Non-partisan political polling presents unique challenges that demand an experienced team. Media clients, like ABC News and The Washington Post, demand quick-turnaround work to fit today’s rapid news cycle. In addition, this work is subject to a high…
Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience
Climate change response means mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to limit temperature increases, and adopting strategies to adapt to climate change’s unavoidable consequences. Private and public investment are needed to develop, deploy, and scale up…
Evaluating NYC’s Service Design Studio
The Service Design Studio (the Studio) is a novel approach to enhancing the capacity of New York City (NYC) municipal staff to adopt service design—sometimes referred to as human-centered design or design thinking—as a strategy to improve city services,…
Building the Next Generation of Resilient Ugandans
Statistically, the average Ugandan is a poor, malnourished, 14-year-old girl living in a rural area, prone to drop out of school and at extreme risk of pregnancy and early marriage. Her well-being is a bellwether for all Ugandans. She must thrive if the…
CREST and QCS System Re-entry Service Provision
Re‐entry services help those released from detention avoid re‐offending, succeed on parole, and remain out of custody. To achieve this, reintegration programs must be responsive to the multiple factors that can influence behaviour change. These services…
Reimagining Response to Vulnerable Populations in Crisis
Homelessness and untreated serious mental illness (SMI) and/or substance use disorders (SUD) are at the root of many crisis-related calls for emergency services. However, first responders often lack the necessary information, skills, resources, or…