Abt’s evidence-informed strategies support policymakers and educators to enhance K-12 education programs and student learning outcomes. Our work for educational institutions— from state and local education agencies to public and private schools—includes surveys of state and district coordinators to assess whether block grants provide better education for all students. We focus on a wide range of topics, including social and emotional learning, student engagement, literacy, STEM, educator development, and state and federal education policies. We deliver research and technical assistance to leaders so they can implement scalable interventions, and we prioritize academic, behavioral, and social-emotional growth to cultivate fair learning environments for all students.
- Research, Monitoring, Evaluation
- Technical Assistance and Strategic Advising
- Systematic Evidence Reviews and Clearinghouses
- Digital and Data Services for Informed Decision-Making
Clients Include

U.S. Department of Education

National Science Foundation

State and local agencies

Foundations, philanthropies, and nonprofits