In fragile and conflict-affected states, Abt navigates complex development and humanitarian challenges to support people on the frontlines and to develop conditions for sustainable peace and security. We start by analyzing and engaging with political settlements to understand the power dynamics and to identify politically feasible opportunities for change. Our established approaches include political economy analysis (PEA), gender-sensitive conflict analysis and adaptive management to understand the structural drivers of conflict and violence. We engage power brokers, including non-traditional actors, to facilitate coalitions with similar interests, to broker peace agreements and to initiate state building. Where conflict prevention isn’t possible, we use conflict resolution techniques and war damage assessments to stimulate and stabilize economic sectors, streamline supply chain management, to foster civilian peacebuilding and to improve evidence-informed decision-making as nations transition out of conflict.
- Pea and Conflict Analysis
- Rapid Response Support
- Adaptive Management
- Countering Disinformation
- Peacebuilding
- Humanitarian to Development Nexus
Clients Include

DFAT: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Australia

FCDO: Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office | UK

USAID: U.S. Agency for International Development