PRO Neighborhoods Program 2023 Annual Report

Abt is serving as the national evaluation partner for the PRO Neighborhoods competitions, a JPMorgan Chase grant program that funds innovative solutions to economic inequality. In this role, we evaluate the outcomes and impact of investments provided to the PRO Neighborhoods grantees. This report highlights their recent activities and progress.
In 2022, many PRO Neighborhoods grantees were able to make greater strides after having shifted their approaches during the last few years to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grantees continued deepening their work to meet the needs of their target populations through lending, technical assistance, and other key activities.
Through year-end 2022 the PRO Neighborhoods grantees made nearly 37,000 loans and other investments to underserved communities, totaling over $678.6 million.
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Workforce & Economic Mobility in North America

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