Some homeless people won’t go to shelters. Should they be left outside?

A new story from Vox on the challenges of addressing homeless encampments draws extensively on Abt’s researchers. In identifying some of the barriers to rehousing people experiencing homelessness, the article cites Abt’s report on homeless encampments for HUD, the first national study of its kind.
Additionally, experts Nichole Fiore and Meghan Henry spoke with reporter Rachel Cohen. Meghan offered background information on the Portland, Maine, encampment that anchored the story, and Nichole was quoted, saying, “If the goal is to close down the encampment and get people indoors, I think we need to be asking, ‘What would it take to get you indoors?’ And really open up that conversation.”
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Housing, Comunities & Asset Building in North America

Housing California Annual Conference 2025
Join Abt Global and other leaders for the Housing California 2025 annual conference in Sacramento.

Shelter from the Storm: Addressing the Dual Crisis of Extreme Weather and Homelessness
Homeless response systems need support to strengthen their resilience to extreme weather shocks and the disproportionate harm that extreme weather has on people experiencing homelessness.

Understanding Homeless Encampments in Long Beach, L.A. River Basin, and San Fernando Valley
A Conrad N. Hilton Foundation-funded, Abt-led evaluation studied three encampments in Los Angeles.

Rental Housing Results from Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Abt is merging databases with information on rental housing results from low-income housing tax credits to inform decision-making.
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