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Evaluating the ‘Wise Guys’ Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program in North Carolina
Despite steady declines during the past 20 years, teen birth rates in the U.S. are higher than those of other countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom. Studies and teen pregnancy prevention (TPP) initiatives often target adolescent females. Less…
Building a Knowledge Base to Teach Adults to Decode
Decoding is an essential skill to read words that a person may only have heard spoken. It is not just important for children. Millions of U.S. adults are non-literate or can perform only simple, literacy tasks. They need decoding skills, too—although…
KOMPAK – an Indonesian Governance Program
Despite steadily increasing resources, the 260 million citizens of Indonesia continue to experience unequal access to quality government services. The causes are many: Lack of transparency and citizen engagement Inconsistent policies Limited…
Evaluating Minnesota's Teen Outreach Program
In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funded 16 grantees, including Hennepin County, Minn., to replicate and evaluate evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs. Abt Global conducted a rigorous evaluation of Hennepin County’s…
Engagement, Interest, and Efficacy in STEM
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA) project is a science enrichment program aimed at inspiring, engaging, and educating K–12 students in science, technology,…
Success Boston: Evaluating Transition Coaching for College Success
A 2008 report showed only 35 percent of Boston public school graduates who had enrolled in college had completed a postsecondary credential within seven years of graduation. To improve completion rates, the Boston Foundation, the city of Boston, Boston…
Promoting Persistence in Community College Students
To help community college students obtain the skills required to earn their degrees, the Robin Hood Foundation—New York’s largest poverty-fighting organization—designed the Robin Hood College Success Prize. The goal of the competition is to find scalable…
Overcoming Undermatching in Postsecondary Education
Where students go to college is key to their educational attainment and later economic success. However, 41 percent of students nationally and about half of those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds undermatch—meaning they don’t attend college or they…
Evaluating the Citizen Schools Model
Citizen Schools is a non-profit organization that partners with middle schools to expand the learning day for children in low-income communities. The organization mobilizes a “second shift” of afternoon educators who provide academic support, leadership…
Helping Promise Neighborhoods Institute Fulfill Its Promise
The Promise Neighborhood program is a place-based initiative designed to improve the educational outcomes of children through linked, holistic and evidence-based cradle-to-career interventions. The program’s grantees provide a menu of services to the…