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271 - 274 of 274 results

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Respiratory Viral Infections and Infection Prevention Practices among Women with Acute Respiratory Illness during Delivery Hospitalizations during the 2019-2020 Influenza Season

Respiratory Viral Infections and Infection Prevention Practices among Women with Acute Respiratory Illness during Delivery Hospitalizations during the 2019-2020 Influenza Season

This study describes the frequency of respiratory virus infections among women hospitalized for delivery and relevant prevention and testing measures.
huts in ghana

Partial Indoor Residual Spraying with Pirimiphos-methyl as an Effective and Cost-saving Measure for the Control of Anopheles Gambiae s.l. in Northern Ghana

Partial indoor residual spraying (IRS) is an effective, feasible, sustainable, and cost-saving approach that could expand IRS implementation.
Comparison of the Immunogenicity

Comparison of the Immunogenicity of Cell Culture-Based and Recombinant Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines to Conventional Egg-Based Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines among Healthcare Personnel Aged 18-64 Years: A Randomized Open-Label Trial

CDC and Abt collaborated to evaluate immunogenicity of influenza vaccines among healthcare personnel in open-label trial.