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What Does Inclusive Growth Mean for Women With Disabilities?
The Australian Government-funded And Abt-led Partnership for Human Development supports expanding employment opportunities for women with disabilities.
DIME: Abt’s Data Integration and Management Ecosystem
Abt’s Data Integration and Management Ecosystem (DIME) can download, merge, and analyze vast amounts of data from multiple sources quickly and accurately.
Wealth Tax Has Big Return for Early Childhood Educators
Wealth tax can have big impact on child care workers’ compensation.
How Do We Account for the Environmental Justice Cost of EVs?
Abt’s Kaylene Ritter unpacks why we need to address environmental justice issues as the U.S. ramps-up resource extraction for electric vehicle (EV) batteries.
Memo to the G7: Your Economic Stability Goals Won’t Be Achieved Without Women
In a new piece for Atlantic Council, Abt’s Nicole Goldin highlights the importance of women’s participation and leadership roles in achieving the G7’s goal of worldwide economic stability and transformation.
How Can Mexico Engage Rural Stakeholders in the Fight Against Climate Change? We Have Some Examples
Abt helped Mexico facilitate decarbonization by helping communities gain economic value from sustainable forestry, agriculture, and ecosystem conservation.
Achieving Equity Takes Time
Achieving equity in technical assistance and research, monitoring, and evaluation is not a quick fix. It takes thoughtfulness, strategy, authenticity, and time.
Reorienting Resilience for Growth in the Next Normal
Abt’s Nicole Goldin dives into the economic “new normal” following the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in a new piece for Diplomatic Courier.
Voices from Rapid Re-housing Programs
In this blog, Abt shares the insights gained from—and stories told by—people with lived experience in Rapid Re-housing Programs.