Building Strong Communities for a Resilient Health System
Madagascar, as one of the poorest countries in the world, relies heavily on foreign aid. But it has a wealth of natural assets. Approximately 90 percent of its plant and animal life is native to and found only there.
In Madagascar, with the PMI EVOLVE project, Abt Global is working alongside the government of Madagascar to reduce the prevalence and impact of malaria. As part of the USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS), Abt supports the Ministry of Public Health to implement its National Health Financing Strategy, including the design and implementation of a feasible pathway to provide financial protection of health for the population. Ultimately, all citizens of Madagascar will benefit from a strengthened health system that offers accessible, affordable, and high-quality essential health services without fear of financial hardship. Abt’s recently completed SHOPS Plus project worked to increase access to finance, service quality, access to universal health coverage and government stewardship of the private health sector.