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Spotlight On: Advancing Fiscal Transparency & Improving Service Delivery Through PFM Support

Through a systems-based approach, evidence-based analysis, and stakeholder engagement, Abt has helped USAID and governments around the world enable sustainable economic growth. We support public financial management (PFM) reforms, local economic development, and improved public investment planning at the national and subnational levels to advance fiscal transparency and accountability while improving service delivery responsive to citizen needs.



Our interventions incorporate a systems-based approach, rigorous analysis, and comprehensive stakeholder engagement to create locally led and driven, sustainable, and innovative solutions. Our approaches proactively:

  • Build capacity of national and subnational governments to strengthen fiscal and budget transparency and accountability as well as improve the productivity and efficiency of public investment planning
  • Promote a policy environment that fosters trade and investment, enables private sector-led economic growth, and safeguards local populations most vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks
  • Integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation into public financial management and investment planning, while considering the most vulnerable populations including women, youth, and marginalized groups
  • Support digitalization of budgeting and investment processes and tools for greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability, as well as strengthen the use of data to inform government decision-making


Relevant Experience


Senegal Government to Government Operations Project

Client: USAID

This USAID project (2021-2026) strengthens the capacity of Senegal’s government agencies to manage their finances effectively and efficiently, improves the transparency and accountability of government spending, and promotes the use of evidence-based decision-making in government. Abt has trained government officials on PFM procedures and practices; delivered technical assistance to government agencies to better implement new PFM systems and procedures; developed a new PFM monitoring and evaluation system; and supported PFM reforms in health, education, and agriculture. Senegal’s government can now track its finances more effectively and is better able to prevent fraud and corruption.


West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

Client: USAID

Through this USAID activity (2013-2018), Abt worked with a dozen West African governments to improve the region’s business climate for trade and investment, including securing development of free trade zones and streamlining laws and regulations for job-creating sectors. To strengthen PFM systems, Abt trained government personnel in budget preparation and execution, accounting, auditing, and procurement. The governments of Ghana, Senegal, and Burkina Faso were subsequently better able to track and manage public resources. These successes undergirded the project’s facilitation of $100 million of investment in agriculture and apparel, $136 million in exports, and $174 million in sales, and helped create more than 20,000 new jobs.


Papua New Guinea Economic Governance and Inclusive Growth Partnership

Client: Governments of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia

To implement the joint strategic and economic priorities of the governments of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia, this project includes three interrelated, mutually supportive programs: Macroeconomic Stability, Improved Fiscal Management, and Inclusive Economic Growth. Together, these programs have enhanced PNG’s macroeconomic stability during the country’s most challenging times since achieving its independence in 1975. We support PNG’s central economic agencies’ planning, budgeting, revenue, and expenditures, including supporting improved dialogue on economic policies. We also support PNG’s Department of Finance to enact the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Roadmap reform requirements. Abt also assists in the roll-out of the whole-of-government Integrated Financial Management System to enable key control and accountability measures.


Resilience in Northern Ghana

Client: USAID

This USAID program (2022-2027) strengthens service delivery systems to improve the nutrition and resilience of vulnerable populations in 17 districts across northern Ghana. This includes support to local government staff to strengthen their PFM systems and practices. Abt also enables further transparency and accountability of local government finances by developing and implementing systems for tracking and reporting on public spending and promoting public participation in local government budgeting and planning. These PFM activities help local governments better deliver essential services and increase public trust.


Tanzania Public Sector Systems Strengthening Plus Activity

Client: USAID

This USAID project (2020-2025) enables the Government of Tanzania to improve its planning, accounting, and PFM systems. Abt helped introduce Direct Facility Financing and extend the national planning and budgeting system to health facilities and lower-level governments. We redesigned and rolled out a web-based accounting and reporting system program now used by all public health facilities, resulting in efficiency gains and more realistic budgets. This work is helping to ensure that PFM systems are more efficient, effective, and transparent.


Contact Us

Cheryl Doty
Director, Economic Growth
AnnaMaria Shaker
Senior Manager, Resilient Economies

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