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231 - 240 of 2735 results

Results for

man spoon feeding young child

Market-Based Solutions to Improve Nutrition in Tanzania

In Tanzania, children are especially vulnerable to malnutrition: 42 percent of the country’s children under age five suffer from stunting, anemia, and other micronutrient deficiencies. Tuboreshe Chakula (Swahili for Let’s Improve Food) was a USAID-funded…
prison inmates

National Prisoner Statistics and Corrections Reporting Programs

For years, collecting prisoner data was treated as little more than an accounting exercise: PIPO (prisoner in, prisoner out). The National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program counts male and female prisoners each year plus confirmed HIV and AIDS cases. The…
Woman weighing potatoes

Agribusiness and Trade Promotion

Food prices were rising in West Africa, particularly for imported food. In-country and international shipping costs also were climbing.  Could promoting food trade increase farm families’ incomes, helping ensure food security by increasing families’…
female college student

Promoting Persistence in Community College Students

To help community college students obtain the skills required to earn their degrees, the Robin Hood Foundation—New York’s largest poverty-fighting organization—designed the Robin Hood College Success Prize. The goal of the competition is to find scalable…
Evaluating Prize Competitions Around the World

Evaluating Prize Competitions Around the World

The AgResults initiative was created by five donors after the 2010 G20 summit. The donors recognized that their resources alone could not significantly reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries. They created AgResults to test whether pay-for…
Overcoming Undermatching in Postsecondary Education

Overcoming Undermatching in Postsecondary Education

Where students go to college is key to their educational attainment and later economic success. However, 41 percent of students nationally and about half of those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds undermatch—meaning they don’t attend college or they…
people with headsets on

ABC News/ Washington Post Tracking Polls

Non-partisan political polling presents unique challenges that demand an experienced team. Media clients, like ABC News and The Washington Post, demand quick-turnaround work to fit today’s rapid news cycle. In addition, this work is subject to a high…
social security

BOND: Benefit Offset National Demonstration

Would national policy that pays partial disability benefits when earnings exceed the substantial gainful activity level encourage beneficiaries to work? Abt Global answered this question for the Social Security Administration (SSA) through our…
The West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

The West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

West Africa is one of the world’s poorest regions. Business and trade there face chronic obstacles such as spotty product quality, inaccessible loans, bureaucratic blockages, and donor dependency. The region’s leading midsized firms—those with the…